Module 3 | Managing Digitization Projects

Intro Session: Get Inspired for Managing Digitization Projects!

June 8, 2021 | 11:00am PT, 2:00pm ET
Beginner Level, Peer-to-peer introductory session
Presenters: Ann Stegina, Anchorage Museum, Anchorage, Alaska; Carolyne Hart, South Dakota Art Museum, Brookings, South Dakota; and Taylor McKeown, South Dakota Art Museum, Brookings, South Dakota
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Description: Get inspired for digitization projects in this free, self-paced session with experts in the museum field who have successfully completed similar projects. Thinking about tackling a digitization project? Not sure where to begin? Join this introductory session to hear from museum staff who successfully conceptualized, planned and implemented projects to expand the online presence of collections. Presenters will share different approaches to digital projects and discuss goals, budget (or lack thereof,) planning process, partnerships and technologies utilized to turn museums inside out and make collections accessible online. 

 Download Module 3 Digital Toolkit (PDF version)  

 Download Module 3 Digital Toolkit (Word version)



Ann Stegina, Senior Collections Manager
Anchorage Museum, Anchorage, Alaska


Ann Stegina moved to Alaska in mid-2019 to be the senior collections manager at the Anchorage Museum. She started her museum career in 2009 and has worked as the senior collections manager at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum and registrar at the South Street Seaport Museum, both based in New York City. Ann has a BA from New York University in Anthropology and Spanish. She earned her MA in Museum Studies from Johns Hopkins University. She is an enthusiastic learner and interested in under-told histories.



Carolyne Hart, Marketing and Membership Coordinator

South Dakota Art Museum; Brookings, South Dakota


Carolyne Hart has served as Marketing and Membership Development Coordinator for the South Dakota Art Museum since 2017. In this ‘third act’ role, her first in the museum field, she draws upon her experience finding creative ways to communicate and connect people and ideas in person and online. Her marketing and outreach focus is raising the museum’s visibility in the art community and as a tourist destination and a favorite place for locals and South Dakota State University students and staff to connect with art and each other. Also important is managing membership and development initiatives that encourage people to support the museum financially and with their time and influence. Her career prior to joining the museum included 24 years with Hewlett Packard leading

strategic marketing and business development project throughout Asia, Europe and the United States and five years as Director of Social Media and Digital Marketing for IBEC Ventures. She holds an undergraduate degree in Far Eastern Studies from the University of Chicago and a master’s in business administration from Stanford University.



Taylor McKeown, Collections Curator
South Dakota Art Museum; Brookings, South Dakota
Taylor McKeown is a curator interested in the rich art history of the Northern Great Plains. As Coordinator of Collections at the South Dakota Art Museum, McKeown focuses on curating, preserving, and providing access to the Museum’s permanent collection. He holds an undergraduate degree in history from South Dakota State University, and a graduate degree in museum studies from Johns Hopkins University.









Sessions and Workshops in Module 3: Managing Digitization Projects

Carolyne wears a dark shirt and wears glasses as she stands in front of a wall covered with art.


 Managing Digitization Projects: Get Inspired 

Beginner Level: Thinking about tackling a digitization project? Not sure where to begin? Join this introductory session to hear from museum staff who successfully conceptualized, planned and implemented projects to expand the online presence of collections. 

Presenters: Ann Stegina, Anchorage Museum, Anchorage, Alaska; Carolyne Hart, South Dakota Art Museum, Brookings, South Dakota; and Taylor McKeown, South Dakota Art Museum, Brookings, South Dakota


Dr. Rhonda Jones wears a pink blazer and a colorful necklace. She stands in front of a cream-colored background and looks off to the side as she smiles.

TEch Workshop 1

Digitization Strategy and Purposes

Beginner Level: The first technical workshop in our June series will address the “why” and “who” of collections digitization projects – why your digitization project matters and to whom; the importance of defining your digital collection project’s purpose, audience, and interfaces.

Presenter: Dr. Rhonda D. Jones, The University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Lindsey wears wire-rimmed glasses and has shoulder-length brown hair. She stands in front of a wooden plank wall.

TEch Workshop 2

 How to Manage a Digitization Project

Intermediate Level: Now that you know why, how: How do you plan a successful project, where do you start, how do you identify priorities? What should you include? Should you digitize in-house or use a vendor?

Presenter: Lindsey Richardson, Museum Person

A black-and-white photo of Elizabeth who wears a white sweater and glasses.

Tech Workshop 3

Imaging Standards and Logistics in Digitization Projects

Advanced Level: Let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of how to work with the resources you have to achieve your digitization goals. During Tech Workshop 3, we’ll take a look at equipment and space setups, etc. 

Presenter: Elizabeth Chiang, George Eastman Museum