Module 2 | Live Streaming

Technical Workshop 3: Live Streaming with Multi-Source Content

May 27, 2021 | 11:00am PT, 2:00pm ET
Advanced Level
Presenter: David London, The Peale Center
> Download Transcript (Word) | Download Transcript (.pdf)

Description: This workshop will be a deep dive into streaming virtual tours and events using multi-source content. Learn tools to manage multi-layered presentations using live production studio software to combine pre-recorded media and live presenters, including sign language interpreters. The session will offer insight and training on specific software that have been vetted and used by others and will provide a deeper understanding of live mixing tools, and available technology. A variety of hardware considerations will also be discussed.

Download Module 2 Digital Toolkit (PDF version)

Download Module 2 Digital Toolkit (Word version)



David London
Chief Experience Officer
The Peale Center, Baltimore

David London is curator, storyteller, magician and producer based in Baltimore, MD, who has spent over 15 years creating theatrical and interactive experiences designed to spark the imagination and inspire new ways to see and engage with the world around us.  After discovering that he was a magician at 7 years old, and he has since spent over 20 years utilizing magic to tell stories and explore ideas. He has created 10 original theatrical magic productions, and regularly presents talks and workshops on both magic and “the show business” across the country. In the last several years, David has shifted his energies to using his unique form of storytelling to illuminate history. Recently, he served as guest curator at the Jewish Museum of Maryland for INESCAPABLE: The Life & Legacy of Harry Houdini, and also created HUMBUG: The Great P.T. Barnum Seance and Traveling Museum, both of which are now touring the country.



Sessions and Workshops in Module 2: Live Streaming for Museums

Ross laughs as he wears a bright orange shirt and sits by a window.

Intro Session: Get Inspired

Live Streaming: Get Inspired

Beginner Level: Seeking inspiration to tackle a live streamed event or virtual tour? Join this introductory session to hear from museum staff who successfully developed live virtual programs, tours, and events with small budgets and basic technology tools. 

TEchnical Workshop 1

Introduction to Live Streaming

Beginner Level: The first workshop in Module 2: Live Streaming will focus on tools, technologies, and tips for one-way live streamed broadcasts and will lay the groundwork for more complicated streaming needs and audience interaction.

Alex Freeman of the Texas Association of Museums has a beard and short cropped hair. He wears a dark blazer and a bright blue shirt.

TEchnical Workshop 2

 Audience Participation in Live Streaming

Intermediate Level: The second workshop in Module 2 will address technologies and tools that enhance audience participation and interaction in live streamed programming. 

Technical Workshop 3

Live Streaming with Multi-Source Content

Advanced Level: This workshop will be a deep dive into streaming virtual tours and events using multi-source content. Learn tools to manage multi-layered presentations using live production studio software to combine pre-recorded media and live presenters, including sign language interpreters.