Module 8 | Audiences and Analytics for Museums

Intro Session: Get Inspired for Audiences and Analytics

Thursday, November 4, 2021 | 11:00am PT, 2:00pm ET
Beginner Level
Presenters: Arturo Garcia, Manager of Marketing and Communications, Museum of Photographic Arts, California; and Emily Robertson, Independent Consultant, Studio Robertson, Massachusetts
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Description: In today’s technology-driven world many museums have begun to explore the possibilities offered by data analytics to better understand how to best serve their potential audiences. Like any business with financial needs, museums can collect and analyze data to help determine how to improve the user experience to attract visitors and even drive revenue. If this seems daunting, join the Module 8 intro session to hear from two museum professionals who have embraced analytics and taught themselves and others to get excited about the valuable insights that data can provide! Get inspired by their confidence and passion for (simple) analytic tools that can help you gain actionable insights into your museum and achieve marketing objectives. 

Download Module 8 Digital Toolkit (PDF version)

Download Module 8 Digital Toolkit (Word version)

Read Module 8 Review (PDF version)


Arturo Garcia
Manager of Marketing and Communications

Museum of Photographic Arts
San Diego, California 


Arturo Garcia is the manager of marketing and communications at the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego’s Balboa Park. He is also a board member at the Public Relations Society of America San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter, serving under the professional development committee, in addition to supporting the board’s efforts toward equity, inclusion, and diversity. 


Emily Robertson
Independent Consultant
Studio Robertson
Boston, Massachusetts


Emily Robertson is the Marketing Manager for Gore Place in Waltham, Massachusetts as well as the founder of Studio Robertson, a creative project management studio based in Boston. For more than 20 years, Emily has helped museums give voice to great ideas and bring life to their great projects with a focus on data and accessibility. Emily earned her MBA in Business Analytics at Babson College. Visit to learn more.











Sessions and Workshops in Module 8: Audiences and Analytics for Museums

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair and a black sweater smiles and stands in front of a rust-colored background.


 Get Inspired for Audiences and Analytics for Museums and GLAM 

Beginner Level: Hear from two museum professionals who have embraced analytics and taught themselves and others to get excited about the valuable insights that data can provide!

Presenters: Arturo Garcia, Manager of Marketing and Communications, Museum of Photographic Arts, California; and Emily Robertson, Independent Consultant, Studio Robertson, Boston


A black-and-white image of Elena with a black cardigan sweater and a patterned blouse. She stands in front of a dark wall.

TEch Workshop 1

Creating An Analytics Toolbox to Evaluate Museum Digital Experiences

Beginner Level: This workshop will share examples of the application of different methods and a case study about how to develop a user segmentation. 

Presenter: Elena Villaespesa, Assistant Professor, School of Information, Pratt Institute, New York

A woman with black her and a white shirt rests her chin on her forearm and looks up pensively.

Tech Workshop 2

Building Digital Strategies and Interpreting Social Media Analytics

Intermediate Level: In this session, we will learn the fundamentals of building or reanalyzing digital strategies while considering the tools needed to execute and interpret the results for each social channel.

Presenter: Acacia Berry, Founder, Archaeological Analytics

A woman with long, light brown hair and a blue blouse stands in front of a body of water and smiles.

TEch Workshop 3

Using Analytics to Understand Audiences and Optimize Your Efforts

Advanced Level: Beginning with web analytics, we will discuss the importance of a research question in guiding your analysis of user behavior data. 

Presenter: Dana Allen-Greil, Vice President of Marketing, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California