Topic Tag: internship

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    • Internship Logistics Hello everyone! I'm currently interning at a small museum while getting my undergrad in Art History and Museum Studies, and just now discovering this resource. I'm about halfway through Module 5 and becoming really interested in creating a virtual exhibit about the LGBTQ history of my town. My research is VERY preliminary, but I am considering a story mapping of historically queer spaces. However, I am very limited on time for my internship (about 10 weeks), would be working primarily by myself, and have several other projects that are to be completed in that same small time frame. Do you have any advice for how I can accomplish my goal without overloading? Based on your experience, is it even possible for me to try and complete this project? Any and all responses are appreciated, thank you!

      Started by: maryrichardson215 in: Virtual Exhibitions

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    • 2 years ago


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